Monday, 21 September 2015

Research - Already Exisitng Products

The first step to being able to create anything is carrying out research. By searching already existing products, I am allowing myself to gain more knowledge about what should be included within the prospectus as well as what designs stand out the most.

To begin with I began to look through some of the university prospectus' I had at home, I already owned some as I had ordered them when applying for university and I already knew that they would come in handy when I began my extended project.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Plan Breakdown

I chose to create this piece to allow those thinking about furthering their education with Sixteen East, to have an insight to what Sixth Form is like from a current students point of view. This would give them more of an idea of what attending sixth form at Heworth is truly like, I am going to be including information about all of the courses we have to offer just like the already existing prospectus as well as comments from students and teachers, information regarding activities we do outside of lesson time such as fundraising events followed by the facilities we have access to.

Monday, 14 September 2015


This is the blog I have created in order to track my progress throughout the process of designing my artefact. For my Extended Project I have decided to create a prospectus for Sixteen East, this is the Sixth Form which I currently attend in Heworth, I wanted to use this blog so show the development of my prospectus.