Monday, 16 November 2015

Second and Third Page - Progress 1

The next step was to create a double page, one half is going to include an Index page and the other will be spilt into two sections, a welcome message and an about us section.

I thought that by creating double pages it would not only be more efficient and beneficial, it would be easier for my to keep track of the process it takes. 

Firstly I opened Photoshop and began to create my page, the first step was to type in my measurements. After working out that I wanted the height of my prospectus to be 20.5, I knew that I would have to make the width longer with it being double paged. I tried a few different sizes such as 30.5cm but that did not look long enough:
This is when I worked out that I would have to make it longer so I increased the with by 10cm and made it 40.5cm, this turned out well and I liked the way it looked:
Next step was to add my chosen colour on, this was just the same as colour as the one I had used on my previous page. This colour will be featured throughout my prospectus a lot due to it being apart of my colour scheme.
After that I then added a thin black line so I knew where the middle of the page was, this would help me equally share out the page so when it came to being printed off, it would all fold up symmetrical.

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